Concerns outlined in the Final Determination paint a mixed picture for Kaspersky-like commercial security products. “The administration’s move to ban Kaspersky Lab products in the United States underscores the stakes of security products gone bad, wherein the privileges that are supposed to be used to protect networks and systems are instead used to subvert security mechanisms, deploy malware, and steal data,” said Adam Maruyama, field chief technology officer, Garrison Technology.
Prohibited ICTS transactions in the US or with US persons, include transactions involving a cybersecurity product, antivirus software, and integration with a software designed developed, manufactured, or supplied, in whole or in part, by Kaspersky.
In a statement, Kaspersky said the decision does not affect the company’s ability to sell and promote cyber threat intelligence offerings and/or trainings in the US. “Despite proposing a system in which the security of Kaspersky products could have been independently verified by a trusted 3rd party, Kaspersky believes that the Department of Commerce made its decision based on the present geopolitical climate and theoretical concerns, rather than on a comprehensive evaluation of the integrity of Kaspersky’s products and services.” Furthermore, Kaspersky said it intends to pursue all legally available options to preserve its current operations and relationships.