
CrowdStrike-Action1 deal collapses over user concerns

Hours after the CSO exclusive on the potential deal went live, several users submitted their disapproval on Reddit. One wrote, “Oh god I hope not. Action1 is my personal RMM (remote monitoring and management) at this point”, while user another said, “This would be a great acquisition for CS, but will probably suck for a lot of us.”

Action1 users mostly feared the deal would see CrowdStrike taking apart some of their favorite Action1 offerings including free patch management for the first 100 endpoints. The users, on Reddit, unanimously agreed that CrowdStrike would probably put all free offerings behind a paywall. “RIP Action1, great product you will be missed!” one of them had written.

What the future holds

If nothing, the recent developments have fired up Action1, now wanting to deliver doubly on its brand promises.

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