An inside look at Mapfre’s 2020 ransomware response
If we managed to survive that, it is because we had done a lot of work beforehand and we were prepared, but this reinforced some aspects that, although we had them in mind, were not so internalized, such as the importance of communication. That was one of the great lessons learned, together with the homogeneity of the baseline, that is, that in all countries there are the same security requirements, and the notable increase in monitoring and response capabilities to increasingly sophisticated attacks.
Is the company currently receiving many attacks?
The state of our threat is in line with what any report from the Department of Homeland Security, the National Cryptologic Center (NCC), or even the World Economic Forum says: that the cyber threat continues to grow. It is a race that has no end and whose solution is different from the current one, which consists of companies exponentially increasing investment in security. This is unsustainable in the long term because we are facing parastatal, not to say state-owned, groups. Companies must also count on the defense of the State. The model must be changed and this involves direct intervention by the States for the control and security of the network and an assumption of responsibility by the large technology companies, many of which have a hegemonic position with their software, for which they launch constant security updates when, in theory, it should already be secure. Yes, both software developers and network companies have a responsibility, as do governments.