
Cyberattacks On The Maldivian Agencies Amid Diplomatic Strain

In the midst of escalating tensions and a growing political divide between India and Maldives, the cyber landscape has transformed into a battleground for warfare. In this surge of cyberattacks on the Maldivian agencies, pro-India cyber groups have unleashed targeted assaults on several Maldivian institutions.

As reported by a cybersecurity research agency on X, formerly known as Twitter, these pro-India cyber factions have initiated several cyberattacks on the Maldivian agencies. Among their primary targets are the Maldives National Defence Force, Maldives Bureau of Statistics, Maldives Business Times, Juvenile Court of Maldives, Maldives Immigration Department, and the Finance Department of Maldives.

Cyberattacks on the Maldivian Agencies

Several cybercriminal groups are actively involved in the ongoing cyberattacks on the Maldivian agencies, intensifying the severity of the situation.

Prominent entities contributing to the cyber onslaught comprise Team UCC, Network Nine, Black Dragon Sec, Team Blackdragonsec, Team NWH Security, Kerala Cyber Black Squad, Kerala Cyber Extractors, Team Anon One, Team ICP, Anonymous India, Unknown Cyber Cult, India Cyber Punk, Team NWH, All India Hackers.

Additionally, Network Nine, Black Dragon Sec, Dark Cyber Warrior, Glory Sec, and Team Garuna are among the noteworthy groups escalating the cyber threats faced by the Maldives.

The digital warfare intensifies as these groups strategically target key institutions, adding a complex layer to an already strained India-Maldives relationship. The cyberattacks on the Maldivian agencies agencies initially focused on the websites of the Juvenile Court, the Maldivian President’s Office, the Foreign Ministry, and the Tourism Ministry.

The Warning

The compromised Maldivian Juvenile Court website is responsible for handling criminal cases involving minors. It displayed a message expressing the hackers’ discontent and outlining the motivations behind this cyberattack.

The message displayed on the website read, “We have hacked your site in response to the recent inflammatory and offensive statements made by certain members of your government. The illiterate and racist remarks from figures like Malsha, Muizzu, and Shiuna are not only shameful but also detrimental to the diplomatic relationship between our nations.”

The statement also recalled the historical assistance and support Maldives received from India. It also stated that the disrespectful comments regarding Indian culture and the apparent forgetfulness about past aid and collaboration were disheartening.

“Consider this a warning, the continuation of such hate speech and racism will not be tolerated. We are capable of taking actions that could severely impact your cyberspace. It is in your best interest to cease this provocation immediately and reflect on the potential consequences,” read the warning message.

The message warned that the hackers aim to contribute to a constructive and peaceful resolution of differences between the two nations. Nevertheless, if this pattern of behavior continues, they will not hesitate to respond firmly.

Escalating Tensions

The ongoing cyber conflict between the two nations raises concerns regarding its potential impact on the cybersecurity of nations, emphasizing the increasing convergence of geopolitics and the digital realm.

Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed denounced the disparaging remarks, urging the government to distance itself from such comments.

Nasheed emphasized the significance of nurturing positive relations with international partners, reported Deccan Herald. While the cyber assault targeted Maldives government websites, speculation regarding its motives proliferated across online platforms.

Given the ongoing diplomatic tensions, some users hypothesized that Chinese hackers may have orchestrated the attack to discredit India. However, it is imperative to note that such claims lack concrete evidence, adding a layer of complexity to the understanding of the cyber incident’s motivations.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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