
National Parent Teacher Association Breach Exposes 70K Records

The IntelBroker hacker has allegedly leaked a database belonging to the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), a cornerstone of child advocacy in America since its establishment in 1897. The National Parent Teacher Association breach, which occurred in March, was posted by the threat actor on May 13, 2024. 

Over 70,000 records of registered users, comprising a wealth of sensitive data, were reportedly compromised in this PTA data breach. The leaked data, disclosed on nuovo BreachForums, includes a trove of information ranging from personal identifiers to financial details. 

Dark Web Hacker Discloses National Parent Teacher Association Breach 

Among the exposed data are insured data, college information, client lists, medical insurance records, and payment information. This PTA data breach not only poses a threat to the privacy and security of individuals but also raises concerns about the misuse of such sensitive information.

Source: X

The impact of this breach extends beyond the confines of the PTA itself, affecting individuals across the United States, particularly in the North American region. With PTA.org being the primary platform for engagement, the breach, if true, can have severe consequences. 

The post on BreachForums by the IntelBroker hacker, titled “Parent Teacher Association Database, Leaked – Download!” and timestamped May 13, 2024, provides insights into the extent of the PTA data breach. The threat actor proudly claims responsibility for the breach alongside an entity named GodLike.

The data dump shared by IntelBroker reveals intricate details, including identifiers, addresses, contact information, and policy-related data.

Cyberattack on Educational Institutions

The Cyber Express reached out to the National Parent Teacher Association for clarification and response regarding the breach. However, at the time of writing this, no official statement or response has been received.

Moreover, this isn’t the first time a student-centric organization was targeted in a cyberattack. Educational institutions, from K-12 schools to universities, store vast amounts of personal data, making them prime targets for cyberattacks.

The educational sector witnessed a 258% surge in incidents in 2023, with 1,537 confirmed data disclosures, often attributed to vulnerabilities like MOVEit. Ransomware remains a major external threat, while internal risks stem from uninformed users and overworked staff. 

Attacks, primarily financially motivated, exploit the emotionally fraught nature of personal data exposure. Common attacks include data breaches, ransomware, BEC, DDoS, and online invasions. Recent high-profile attacks, like those on the University of Manchester and the University of California, highlight the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures in educational institutions.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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