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Review of data leaks from FlyBoys American Flight Center (pilot School)

Hello community!

I love looking for hidden information on the Internet. And today, I am providing a data breach from the FlyBoys American Flight Center. I will tell you that this center uses the most advanced system of flight schools and aviation training. But far from the best data protection system!!!!!! In the data leak, a lot of training programs, courses, certificates, passports, financial statements, etc….. I remind you that you can find much more information in my telegram channel, I also invite you to visit my twitter and facebook and, of course, my website. I am waiting for your subscriptions and likes – this motivates me to look for new and new content, as well as publish data in the telegram channel. All links are on the site.

Happy viewing!

I will duplicate the links to download data on this site (in the future I will create my own cloud for content). I remind you that I provide all the data from the public segment of the Internet solely for the purpose of familiarizing myself with possible information security problems. I am not engaged in illegal activities and I do not advise you. If any data block is unavailable, please let me know in the comments.

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