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Review of the data leakage of the State of emergency UKRZAKHIDPOSTACH company

Hello to the community!

On the Internet, I came across a data leak of the Ukrainian company State of emergency UKRZAKHIDPOSTACH. It contains many contracts, agreements with various companies, including European ones, as well as with state-owned enterprises of Ukraine, such as armored factories, etc., passports of the head and employees, financial documents, stories of critics and much more…………….. The level of information security incompetence of this company exceeds all permissible limits because they have leaked so much confidential information. I really want to hear your opinion expressed in the comments. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the video review of the leak and remind you that you can download this leak and many others from my telegram channel (very soon you will be able to download leaks right here) like this. Visit my twitter and facebook and, of course, my website. All links in the website banner. We are waiting for your likes and subscriptions! Enjoy watching.

I will duplicate the links to download data on this site (in the future I will create my own cloud for content). I remind you that I provide all the data from the public segment of the Internet solely for the purpose of familiarizing myself with possible information security problems. I am not engaged in illegal activities and I do not advise you. If any data block is unavailable, please let me know in the comments. Master password for all OSINT_without_borders archives

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